mandag 31. august 2009

Forberedelser \ Preparations

Bare noen dager til jeg setter nesen mot Canada. Begynner å bli spent over hva som venter.
Heldigvis fikk jeg passet tilbake fra den Canadiske ambassaden i London, var bekymret for at det ikke skulle komme tilbake i tide.

Nå gjenstår det noen travle dager med å få pakke, jobbe litt og forhåpentligvis blir det tid til å hilse på i Bodø å sjekke trøkket der før man drar.

Just a couple of days until I'm travelling to Canada. Starting to get really excited of what to except over there. Was really happy when I came back from holidays in Italy when I discovered that my passport had returned from the Canadian embassy in London, have to admit that I was a bit anxious that it wouldn't make it in time.

There will be some busy days to prepare everything for my departure. Today I managed to gather most of the documents I think will be useful. Still need to find out what to take with me, do some accounting and hopefully there will be time to make a stop in Bodø and see what's going on there.
