lørdag 5. september 2009

Endelig kommet fram \ Finally arrived.

Det var ei ganske så lang reise for å komme seg til Prince George. Reiste via Oslo - Reykjavik - Toronto - Vancouver - Prince George. Flyet til Reykjavik var stappa med norske fotballsupportere som håpet på seier mot Island, gikk dessverre dårlig der.

Kom til Prince George tidlig på formiddagen lørdag, tok en shuttle bus med noen andre studenter fra UNBC så fikk vite litt om hva som fantes i byen. Etter å ha fått nøkler og flyttet inn var det bare å komme seg ned på skolen for å skaffe studentkort. Bor på studentboliger i Prince George, sammen med Kevin og Bradley fra Canada. I hver etasje har de ansatt studenter som RA's som ser etter at husreglene blir fulgt. De hadde innkaldt til obligatorisk husmøte og gikk gjennom regler og ting og tang. Mye virket helt vannvittig for meg ihvertfall, man skulle jo tro det var innlysende at man ikke løser ut brannalarmen midt på natta eller slår hull i veggene så jeg måtte bare flire litt av hele greia. RA'sene understreket dog flere ganger at det kostet en hel masse penger for universitetet hvis brannvesenet måtte rykke ut. Skulle tro det var sunn fornuft å ta vare på ting, men to timer etter møtet så var det en moroklump som hadde tømt et brannslokningsapparat i gangen her. Var med Kevin som jeg bor sammen med en tur i byen og når vi kom tilbake sto det ikke mindre enn to stigebiler fra brannvesenet og ambulanser utenfor studentboligene.


It was quite a journey to get to Prince George. I went via Oslo - Reykjavik - Toronto - Vancouver - PG. The plane to Iceland was pretty much stuffed with norwegian soccerfans going to cheer Norway on, it seems now that it didn't help much. I arrived in PG quite early on Saturday and took a shuttle bus brought me to school, there were some UNBC students onboard the shuttle so I got to know a bit about the city. The day was quite hectic, after some friendly people helped me move in I had to hurry down to school in order to get my student ID. I live at the residence on campus with Bradley and Kevin which are from Canada. Over here they employ students to work as RA's on every floor in the residence buildings which makes sure that the house rules are beeing followed. We had to go to a mandatory floor meeting where they told us about house rules and stuff. Most of it seemed pretty ridiculous for me at least, it seems logical that you aren't supposed to trigger the fire alarm in the middle of the night for fun or punch holes in the wall, so I had a little laugh about it. They did however emphasize that it cost the University money every time the fire dept. had to get up here. Everyone basically agreed on that and me and Kevin went downtown to do some shopping. Two hours later we came back... and there it was: two fire trucks and an ambulance, with all the people standing outside. Some guy thought it was a good idea to empty the fire instinguisher in the hallway. Yesterday we were told that he had been kicked out of the residence, good job after only living there one day.

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